Staging Your Home for a Quick Sale

Staging Your Home for a Quick Sale

Staging your home for a quick sale can be a headache for any homeowner; especially if you do not have the luxury of being out of your home during the sale process.  How possibly can you manage work, kids, pets, laundry and everything else while also trying to keep your home looking perfect? Here a few do’s and don’ts when decorating your home in hopes that it will look bigger, brighter, warmer and the perfect home that will impress buyers.

  1. Clean Up. No one wants to see dirty dishes and laundry on the floor.
  2. Declutter. Clutter distracts buyers from what is best about the home.
  3. Remove Personal Items. Buyers want to see themselves living there, so remove family photos and kid’s toys, etc from the space.
  4. Get Rid of the Smell. Nothing can detour a buyer like the smell of garbage, smoke, mildew or pet urine. Invite a friend or neighbor over and let them take the smell test.
  5. Update, Update, Update! Your home will show best with a fresh coat of paint, clean floors, and sealed cracks from walls and ceilings.
  6. Keep the Natural Light. Opening your curtains and blinds and removing your sun shades can bring life and beauty that potential buyers want to see.
  7. Don’t Forget the Yard. Having a clean and well maintained yard can turn a buyer from yes to no, so pull weeds, water the plants, and cut the grass.
  8. Make the Best of the Space. Rearrange furniture, remove large pieces, and make rooms look useful by keeping it simple.
  9. Final Touches. Add fresh flowers, or newly baked cookies to your staging. Not only will potential buyers remember your home, they may just feel at home!
  10. Pictures are Important. Finally, one of the most important things you can do in staging your home for a quick sale is to make sure you have quality professional pictures. Hiring a professional photographer is a great idea in making sure you have quality photos to show off your newly staged home.

What we provide to staging your home for a quick sale?

We provide at no cost to you upon our listing agreement is hire a professional designer to provide you insight on the best way to position furniture, color selection, and much more.  Also, we hire a professional photographer to take outstanding photo’s and an virtual tour.  Please contact Gary Drew via email or 623-512-0828.

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Gary Drew

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